How to implement Audio Recording using Record RTC in Angular 2+?

Money Chaudhary
2 min readSep 17, 2018


What is Record RTC?

RecordRTC is a JavaScript-based media-recording library for modern web-browsers (supporting WebRTC getUserMedia API).

How to install RecordRTC?

npm install recordrtc — save

Steps to implement RecordRTC

  1. Create AudioRecordingService
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class AudioRecordingService {

constructor() {

2. Import Record RTC

import * as RecordRTC from 'recordrtc';

3. Define these variables in AudioRecordingService

private stream;
private recorder;
private interval;
private startTime;
private _recorded = new Subject<any>();
private _recordingTime = new Subject<string>();
private _recordingFailed = new Subject<string>();

getRecordedBlob(): Observable<RecordedAudioOutput> {
return this._recorded.asObservable();

getRecordedTime(): Observable<string> {
return this._recordingTime.asObservable();

recordingFailed(): Observable<string> {
return this._recordingFailed.asObservable();

These are the observables that will be used to show recording time, get recorded blob and show error when recording fails.

4. Now start writing core functionality

startRecording() {

if (this.recorder) {
// It means recording is already started or it is already recording something
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(s => { = s;
}).catch(error => {;


Call this function to start recording.

private record() {

this.recorder = new RecordRTC.StereoAudioRecorder(, {
type: 'audio',
mimeType: 'audio/webm'

this.startTime = moment();
this.interval = setInterval(
() => {
const currentTime = moment();
const diffTime = moment.duration(currentTime.diff(this.startTime));
const time = this.toString(diffTime.minutes()) + ':' + this.toString(diffTime.seconds());;

This function initializes the recorder and starts the recording.

private toString(value) {
let val = value;
if (!value) {
val = '00';
if (value < 10) {
val = '0' + value;
return val;

This function is used to convert the number into two digits string to show the recording time.

stopRecording() {

if (this.recorder) {
this.recorder.stop((blob) => {
if (this.startTime) {
const mp3Name = encodeURIComponent('audio_' + new Date().getTime() + '.mp3');
this.stopMedia();{ blob: blob, title: mp3Name });
}, () => {


Call this function to stop the recording. This function stops the recording and fires the getRecordedBlob() with the recorded blob.

private stopMedia() {
if (this.recorder) {
this.recorder = null;
this.startTime = null;
if ( { => track.stop()); = null;

This function is used to release the resources.

abortRecording() {

Call this function to abort the recording.

Now, you are ready to use AudioRecordingService in your component.

You can take help from this demo project:-



Money Chaudhary

Computer Science Grad Student @ University of Southern California, LA. Experienced in React JS, Angular4+, Django, and NodeJS for more than 5years.